Tag Archive | siblings

Meet Me In the Middle

For Lisa, Peter, Bridget, Johanna, Nathan, Kristina, Carlee, Erika, Eric, Beth, Dani, Suzanne, Joy, both of my parents, three of my grandparents, and all the other special middle children (young and old) in my life. And for my siblings, who made me the middle I am…whatever that means.      -Sarah

This past Monday, August 12, was National Middle Child Day. I only found out about it because someone posted on a fellow middle child’s Facebook timeline what I first thought was an Onion article (check out the title), but was an actual news story on MSN. While I laughed at the tone, and then clicked through and laughed at this link about how to tell if you’re a middle child (hint, it’s a lot about being ignored, forgotten by your parents, or called by the wrong name), and this link, I wondered where I could find the articles about the benefits of being a middle child. For the record, I never felt neglected by my parents* (but in watching home videos, I was a bit of a ham and therefore probably did a lot to get attention). I take great pride in being a middle child (the “glue” of the family, if you will), and have done a lot of research about birth order (and middles in particular) so I thought I’d share some of what I see as positives of being a middle-born.

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